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Re: Body solder

To:, msharp@Synopsys.COM
Subject: Re: Body solder
From: Steve Bender <sbender@illiad.dsd.ES.COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 1994 13:55:09 -0700
On Wed, 21 Dec 1994, Michael Sharp wrote:

> I'm in the midst of a restoration project and I'm considering using body 
> (now that I've finished a lot of hammer/dolly work).  Have any of you ever
> taken this approach?  My main concern is how to finish the opposite side of

Speaking to a professional who does numerous concours restoratiuons,
he insisted to me that uses for body solder are mostly outmoded.  The
new polyester-resin fillers (i.e. Bondo) are far superior in most 
applications (in his opinion) as long as the underlying sheetmetal is 
done correctly.

He openly admits going through gallons of filler on a single restoration
but is quick to point out that 99% of it ends up on the floor.


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