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J. C. Whitney address

Subject: J. C. Whitney address
From: harrold@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU (Dick Harrold)
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 1994 07:03:02 -0500
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 1994 11:13:11 -0500 (EST)
From: Christopher Ball <>
Subject: J.C. Whitney

===== some text deleted =====

So, what's the address and 1-800 number folks? Do they do a mail order 
business  to Canada? I keep getting messages saying that I can
"get a good %^*$ WRG^$^ in my choice of colours from J.C. Whitney.

J. C. Whitney & Company
1917-19 Archer Avenue
P. O. Box 8410
Chicago, Illinois 60680
Phone (312) 431-6102
FAX (312) 431-5625
(No 800 number listed in the catalog I have in fron of me.)

Whitney has been in financial trouble in the past and, for a while,
couldn't seem to get a single order straight.  This seems to have passed. 
I still order form them now and then and have been satisfied with the
service and products.  The only problem was two years ago when I ordered a
car cover for a two door and they sent a coupe model.  I returned the coupe
cover and requested the proper cover but they sent my money back without an


========= 30 =========

Dick Harrold
Integrated Technologies
Indiana University at Indianapolis (IUPUI)

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