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British Cars not Sportscars

Subject: British Cars not Sportscars
From: David Hallam <>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 20:30:49 +1100 (EDT)
Yes reading this list one would think that the only cars the British ever
made were sports cars. TR? MG? and XK???.
Sorry but thats not so. Most surviving British cars are Sedans and are not
in North America.
Morris Majors, Daimlers, Austin counties are all good fun and usable even
to this day. Even with SU fuel pumps. Lets have more discussion on British
David Hallam, Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia
Daimler DB18, 1947,1950. Under extensive Reconstruction
Daimler V8 2.5 Liter 1964, 1967. Just resting
Morris Major Elite 1962. A "nice" car for round town.

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