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Nisonger reference (and Movie Car)

Subject: Nisonger reference (and Movie Car)
From: "A. B. Bonds" <>
Date: 08 Dec 1994 17:22:20 -0600
(a)  Re Nisonger's.  I needed a right angle drive for the mechanical
tach on my Mk III Aston Martin.  (Do right angle drives ever fail?
Naaaah.)  I searched for three years, both continents, including an
advert in the A M Club Newsletter.  No cigar.  I call Nisonger's, very
friendly, was instructed to send the remains in.  Just as a trial I
also shipped the oil pressure/gas gauge for repair (neither side

A week later the box was returned, $220 cod.  The right angle drive
was refinished, had guts that worked, and the gauge looked _brand
new_.  As I recall, the gears were $80 and the gauge repair was

Bottom line:  They seem to have what it takes for a terrific job.
Prices are in line.  If you don't want a surprise, have them call you
before return shipping.  I'm sending the rest of the A M gauges when I
can afford it.

(b)  Ray Gibbons mentioned a movie about a guy searching for a stolen
car in which the cops took no interest.  I stumbled across one on a
Saturday afternoon that was so dreary I didn't want to take an oil
bath.  But the car was not an Anglia, it was a Trabant.   Auugh!
(makes the sign of the cross).  (To the parts man:  "How about a gas
cap for a Trabant."  "Hmmm.  Sounds like a fair trade.")  Film
involved an odyssey through LA, all kinds of weird characters, I
mercifully have forgotten the name.
                                A. B. Bonds

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