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Re: San Jose visit / TR6 cam saga continues

To: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691),
Subject: Re: San Jose visit / TR6 cam saga continues
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 94 11:39:59 cst
Subject: San Jose visit / TR6 cam saga continues
Author: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date:    12/2/94  4:52 PM

>I then tried this little wacko test.  Removed the pushrods from the
>exhaust valves, and tried a compression test.  Compression was the
>same, but I was hearing a POPing sound from the engine.  What was
>happening was the intake was opening while the piston was coming up on
>the exhaust stroke and blowing air out the intake!  Pretty fun eh?
>This actually could be normal, due to the overlap of the cam.
>However, I was surprised at the intensity of the popping sound.  After

I guess I don't get this. Let's take a look at what happens while you're
doing the compression test:

Intake stroke - Intake valve opens, piston sucks in air/fuel mixture. Intake
    valve is open.

Compression stroke - Air/fuel mixture is compressed. Both valves closed.

Power stoke - None here, no spark. Mixture expands back out. Both valves closed.

Exhaust stroke - Since your exhaust pushrods are gone, this is yet
    another compression stroke. Exhaust valve should be open, but isn't, so
    both valves are closed.

Intake stroke - Intake valve opens near TDC so piston can suck in more
    fuel/air, right? But remember, the exaust stroke was actually a
    compression stroke, because the exhaust valves never open. So as
    soon as the intake valve opens - *POP* through the intake, since
    the fuel/air mixture is still highly compressed.

Am I missing something???

>thinking about this, I know that if I move the cam timing, I'll want
>to set the intake valves opening later.  e.g. retard the cam.  If
>anything, I'm getting an education!


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