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vanity plates

Subject: vanity plates
From: Jacob ben-David Zimmerman <zimerman@MIT.EDU>
Date: Sun, 04 Dec 1994 15:52:12 EST
I kept thinking of getting plates that say 'AMANDA' for Amanda my TR6, but I
decided that people would think I was borrowing/had stolen some woman's car.
Bad.  So, I decided on the following (And I haven't gotten them yet, so I'm 
trusting all MA SOLers not to steal them...pppplease...:-)) 


...which, for those of you haven't seen my favorite TV show, will mean nothing.
Left as an exercise for the reader.  If I get too many 'Huh?' responses, maybe
they're a bad idea...:-)  MA only allows 6 letters, bodge it. I'd hoped for
seven.  Ah well.


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