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Re: ColourTune

Subject: Re: ColourTune
From: Marcus Tooze <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 10:37:17 -0600
>           I was attempting to use my new ColourTune (sp?) yesterday but the 
>           instructions that came with it leave a little bit to be desired.  
>           For example, maybe I over looked it, but the instructions never 
>           told me exactly where to view the "flame".

Yes...the flame should be in the cylinder ;). If you should view any
type flame outside of the cylinder, your in big trouble.

>  I did figure it out.  
>           Anyway, I'd appreciate it greatly if someone would be willing to 
>           share their experiences using this tool to help set up a pair of 
>           SUs.  

Well, a couple of people on this list think they are the best things 
since sliced bread. However, I've never been able to get mine to work properly.
It's seems so much easier to look at the spark plugs! In fact mine is for sale
if anybody wants to buy it...


>           Thanks 
>           Kendall

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