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Prime Movers

Subject: Prime Movers
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 1994 10:40:54 -0800 (PST)
At least when refering to modern diesel-electric railroad engines
(there's that word again), the 'prime mover' is the thing that spins
the main generator.  In some experimental cases, this has been a gas
or steam turbine.  I suppose this is to differentiate the source of
motive power from other ancillary power producing equipment carried,
such as for steam for steam heat, or electric power not used for pro-
pulsion (usually for train lighting or Air Conditioning) or air used
for braking.

Pure electric locomotives (that is, ones that produce no power, but
transform it from overhead or third rail sources into DC for on-board
traction motors) were often refered to as 'motors' and not 'engines'.

Engineers always right ? Hardly.
Engineers demand precision in descriptive speach ? Always!

John F. Kolb, P.E. (licensed Professional Engineer VA #19298)
Spelling and gramar checked by LUCAS software.

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