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Rover 2000 TC Wire Wheels

To: british-cars@AUTOX.TEAM.NET
Subject: Rover 2000 TC Wire Wheels
From: Brian Willoughby <BAWILL01@UKCC.UKY.EDU>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 94 12:49:04 EDT
Fellow SOL subscribers:  One of the cars I'm wanting to acquire when I am
finished with graduate school is a Rover P6 2000 TC.  This was, of course,
the twin S.U. version of the regular old 2000.  Most of these cars came
equipped with ugly wheel covers shared with the base model, or nicer and
much more attractive Rostyles which appear to the same as those installed on
later MGBs.  However, the really decked out TC's could be ordered with
particularly elegant wire wheels.  Does anyone know if these wheels were
shared with any other British cars of the period?  If they were, will the
hubs and knock-offs from that car work on the P6?  You see, I figure I can
find a TC, though it probably will not have the wires.  If the wheel gear
from another car can be substituted, I can have my future TC look as desired

with a little work.  I'm counting on you guys.  The already beautiful P6
just looks even more elegant with the wires.  Prince Charles' P6 was thusly
equipped, though I know that us commoners could order the wires, too.  Sadly,
few people did and even fewer examples still exist today.  The only problem
is those quirky inboard mounted rear Girling discs brakes.  Most other cars
had outboard brakes, though I don't know whether this means anything to
sharing of parts with other cars.  Your knowledge and suggestions please.
Thanks in advance.
Brian Willoughby

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