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TRF bodge update/ another Triumph back on the road

Subject: TRF bodge update/ another Triumph back on the road
From: "Kevin A. Strait" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 94 18:06:12 -0500
Greetings fellow netters:
I had a lot of responses from my posting concerning the replacement pressure 
differential valve (PDV) on my TR6.  Several questions and some solutions were 
>Kevin Spooner: Are you sure they sent the correct part?

Yes the part TRF sent me was the one they meant as a replacement for the TR6 
please see below for more info.

A number of other people seem to have the same problem with their PDV as I had. 
Just a note of warning to them, and others, if you see brake fluid leaking out 
of your warning switch, that screws into the top of the PDV unit, you have bad 
O-rings.  The switch was not meant to see brake fluid therefore it is not the 
problem when you see a leak.  

Several people answered my question as to the possibility of rebuilding the old 
unit by replacing the O-rings.  This is exactly what I ended up doing.  I 
removed the old valve by removing the bolt at the end of the unit and smacking 
it on a piece of wood to remove the actual valve assembly.  Once I saw the 
original O-rings it was obvious why it was leaking.  A quick trip to the local 
auto parts store yielded a couple of O-rings of the correct internal and 
external diameter that were compatable with brake fluid (word of caution: do not
go to a hardware store as the O-rings they sell may not be compatable with brake
fluid)  The unit now works like a charm.

One final note on this subject: John Swauger at TRF informed me today by FAX 
that they have pulled these units off the shelf and are sending them back to the
English supplier.  John also informs me that TRF has been working on a solution 
to leaking valves.  TRF stocks replacement O-rings that fit some of the PDVs 
installed on TR6s, (apparently there are three types of valves; Why did the 
people at Triumph/Girling/ Lucas feel the need to continually change pieces on 
these cars at random?).  Anyway if you need these O-rings the part # is LDSSB833
the price is $4.50 you may want to contact John first to talk about which of the
3 valves the O-rings fit.    

On a happier note, I finally drove my car (The Green Meanie:70 TR6 BRG) for the 
first time in 12 years, the last 2 spent on a nut and bolt frame off restoration
last weekend.  It was fabulous !!!!  I have seen the light, "FREE AT LAST, FREE 
AT LAST, THANK GOD ALL MIGHTY I AM FREE AT LAST" of that dreaded "Shipwrights 


Kevin A. Strait, Ph.D.                      voice: 612-624-5150
Assistant Professor of Medicine             email:
and Cell Biology/Neuroanatomy               fax:   612-626-3840
Box 91 UMHC 
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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