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Subject: Propane
From: (Timothy J. Drabik)
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 09:00:52 EDT

I have gone to the point of doing everything except putting the stuff on
my Spitfire 1500.  I have an Impco propane carb and throttle body, and
have figured out a reasonable manifold design, although I think it could
be adapted nicely to a single Weber downdraft manifold that I also have.

I was always thinking of straight propane.  The concept of reversibility
depends on what you consider to be a permanent change.  Pulling out the
petrol tank and bolting in a propane cylinder is something I would consider
reversible.  One note: for safety reasons, there must be a vapor barrier between
tank and passenger compartment, even on a convertible!?!  That's something
to think about, but that could probably be approached with plastic sheeting
and polyurethane foam-in-a-can.

Keeping the go-fast goodies was also my motivation.


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