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Re[2]: MGA For Sale

To: (Will Zehring),
Subject: Re[2]: MGA For Sale
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 16:21:45 CST
In four months my wife and I will be celebrating our 20th anniversary. Of
course, we dated for 5 years before we were married...

My wife WILL ride in my Triumph, albeit sometimes reluctantly...

Neither my wife nor I play golf...

My wife will NOT hunt with me, and won't even dress the animals like a good
farm wife should...

My wife swims, I don't.

A marriage should be a balance between things shared and things tolerated.
My wife puts up with all my hobbies, which include bluegrass music, radio
controlled airplanes, and small British autos. She really doesn't share them,
she just endures them. She likes the violin, art, homeschooling, etc., and I
tolerate those. Then there are the things we like to do together, like travel,
dine out, camp.

So don't worry. It's how well you do those things together that matter. Of
course, if you don't do ANYTHING together, there's a problem!


Subject: Re: MGA For Sale
Author: (Will Zehring)
Date:    10/19/94  4:11 PM

George Haynes writes:

>Bob said: "A friend is selling his MGA because his wife won't ride in it..."
>Do golfers give up the sport because the spouse doesn't play?
>Do hunters quit hunting because the spouse doesn't like to hunt?
>I wouldn't give up swimming just because Beverly doesn't swim!
>The friend should be able to enjoy the MGA without his wife!

Wow, this resonates!  My wife doesn't play golf with me, I don't swim with 
her, neither one of us hunts, and she doesn't want to have a thing to do 
with the lbc thing either.  Is this marriage structurally unstable?

Will "Sheesh: in our seventh year, too!" Zehring

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