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Re: MGA For Sale

Subject: Re: MGA For Sale
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 16:11:43 EDT
George Haynes writes:

>Bob said: "A friend is selling his MGA because his wife won't ride in it..."
>Do golfers give up the sport because the spouse doesn't play?
>Do hunters quit hunting because the spouse doesn't like to hunt?
>I wouldn't give up swimming just because Beverly doesn't swim!
>The friend should be able to enjoy the MGA without his wife!

Wow, this resonates!  My wife doesn't play golf with me, I don't swim with 
her, neither one of us hunts, and she doesn't want to have a thing to do 
with the lbc thing either.  Is this marriage structurally unstable?

Will "Sheesh: in our seventh year, too!" Zehring

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