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re: MGA horns

To: British Cars mailing list <>
Subject: re: MGA horns
From: Andy Mace <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 15:21:37 PDT
Don, that's definitely what your horns are supposed to sound like. The
"Bronk" of the MGA/TR3/etc. horn (to me) is much preferable to the "Mweep"
of the later horns. Best part of the "Bronk" horns, IMHO, is that they
lend credence to your presence on the road far out of proportion to the
otherwise (usually) diminutive size of your LBC. "Mash" your "Bronk" horns
and people turn their heads expecting to jump out of the way of a
careening GM city bus. Some of the newer "Mweep" horns can be heard only
by Golden Retrievers otherwise too lazy to move out of the roadway when
faced with oncoming traffic.

And please, no flames re: Golden Retrievers; I love them, and we've had 
them in the family since before I was born, a little before we started 
owning LBCs and a lot before I started owning V*lv*s (which come with 
said dog as a no-cost, dealer-installed option :-) )

Andy "my Golden is available for towing jobs" Mace

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