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MGA Horns

To: akgua!att!
Subject: MGA Horns
Date: 18 Oct 94 13:15:00 GMT
Well, Saturday, I finish installing the 2 horns on my MGA.
You probably remember that MGAs came with a High Lucas horn
and a Low horn was optional.  I, with a background in acoustics,
wanted this MGA to honk with all of its glory.  So I bought
the left hand bracket (a little rare since I guess most people
didn't get this option - $9.40) and installed the horn. With
great trepidation and bubbling excitement....I mashed the horn
button.(  In Georgia you don't push buttons, you "mash" them)
It sounds like a damned-old-Buick !!?!  I expected some sort of 
"MWEEP".  Instead I got a "Bronk" !!??  Maybe I can re-calibrate
my hearing.  Maybe it just sounds like a D-O-B when I honk it 
in the garage.  Maybe I need more data.  Maybe I'll grow into it.

Don Mathis
AT&T Bell Labs

p.s.  There is no way to adjust the frequencies so if it 
honks at all then it is an original sound.  Hmmmmmm.  I 
gotta think about this.

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