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Re: I am SO glad I found this mailing list!

Subject: Re: I am SO glad I found this mailing list!
From: Bob Tufts <rbt@itc.Kodak.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 09:44:00 -0400
>From TeriAnn:

Marcus, be nice.  Some of us have to try to find coolness in four cylinder cars.

With a few rare exceptions, Lotuses are four cylinder cars. I find them very
cool! :-)

Though for the life of me I can't think a a six cylinder TR thats as cool as my
TR3.  Rich your Midget is a really cool Britsh car!  Love it & keep it healthy

Thankfully coolness is an individual thing

Exactly! There's something about LBC's with their approach to things (small,
4 cylinder engines in light cars, vs big V8 engines pushing around a heavy car)
that makes them appreciated in a different way. (and then Roland's got the
light car/ big V8 varient on the theme).

Variety is nice.

-Bob T.

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