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Stop me before I Triumph!

Subject: Stop me before I Triumph!
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 10:48:24 -0700

As this is my first posting, perhaps I should mention that I DO fit the 
stereotype and I DON'T and never have driven a Volvo (unless you count the
Volvo engine in a Marcos I once owned).  Now that the important stuff is out
of the way I'll proceed to the purpose of this communication.

I've been reading the postings about the merits of the 215 cu inch Buick
engine such as the one I've had setting in my garage for the past several
years.  Also, I've been working on the restoration of my 1947 Triumph 1800
roadster for several years.  In a moment of weakness it came to me that I
might combine the two projects and put the Buick engine in the Triumph.  I
have looked for other pre-1965 lbcs to put the engine in but have been 
unsuccessful.  Is there anyone out there that can dissuade me from doing
the above to the Triumph?  Is there another pre-65 (do to California smog
laws) lbc that the engine might better fit?  Is the 4.8 rear end in the 
1800 roadster too low or weak to handle the Buick?  Is it simply unthinkable
to do such a thing to the Triumph?  HELP!

Earl Huff

47 Triumph 1800
53 XK120
85 XJS

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