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any ideas?

To: (Receipt Notification Requested) (Non Receipt Notification Requested) (IPM Return Requested) (Reply Requested)
Subject: any ideas?
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 1994 11:06:57 +0100
Out in the TR6 last weekend (its on SU HS6 carbs and leaded fuel) when it cuts
out at a junction, engine is hot and has been running excellently since leaving
home.  Manage to restart with full choke! but if revs fall below 2000 without
choke it dies.  Fuel, sparks etc all OK.  Car refused to start unless choke was
full out.  Surmised that too much air was passing carbs on idle so felt the
piston raise screw and sure enough rear carb piston offered no resistance.

Investigated further to find collar surrounding needle had dropped out and was
preventing piston for seating properly.  Refitted collar tightened retaining
screw and off we go!

Should I put 'lockthread' or similar onto retaining screw, to prevent

Had a great run in gloroius autumn sunshine to Stowe, follwed by walk around
gardens.  This would be a good place for a UK Meet.  On way home through Woburn
me the Bently Drivers Club leaving the park, what a fabulous sight the cars
stereotypically yours,
1975 TR6 (lhd), 1959 MGA (to be restored)
Luton, UK.

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