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Mike Lee and the basket XK-E

To: Scions of Lucas <>
Subject: Mike Lee and the basket XK-E
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 94 09:35:09 EDT
I wouldn't run (or even walk) away from it, but I wouldn't pay 12k
either. IMHO the '65-67 roadsters are the very best Jaguar ever built,
so that's a plus. But TeriAnn's right. A basket case shouldn't go for
the price of an assembled project car. For 12k it should be assembled
(possibly running but not necessarily) and have most or all of the
parts that are NLS in the catalogs. Heck, for 17-20k you can get a
very nice coupe of that vintage. For a little over 30 you can get a
running roadster. Basket cases should be a LOT less than half the
price of a runner. And take it to the bank, there will be many missing

Rik, I sold my '66 roadster and still regret it, Schlierer

Rik Schlierer
NYSDOH Local Assistance
Albany NY

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