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Another one bites the dust!

Subject: Another one bites the dust!
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 10:23:49 -0700
Yesterday an unusual event occurred here in the SF Bay area.  We had a
lightning and thunder storm.  It was even accompanied by fairly heavy
ran.  As much as I appreciate any amount of rain these day I was a
little apprehensive because our house is in dire need of a new roof.
But on the way home it all came right.  Traffic was crawling along at a
snails pace and everyone was getting a bit testy.  A little ways down
Foothill Expressway traffic came to a dead halt; at least in the lane I
was in.  The lane to my right was moving just fine considering the
weather.  As the traffic behind began to clear cars in my lane started
pulling out and around on both sides.  Finally I was able to get into
the turn lane at my left and get around the obstacle holding up traffic:
a NEW Volvo station wagon sitting empty, hazard lights flashing.  The
rest of the commute was quite pleasant.


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