A fellow SOL has suggested making the file I'm printing
the color stickers from available as GIF or Postscript
I don't have the tools to make a GIF on my system, but I
could potentially post a Postscript image somewhere
(Maybe triumph.cs.utah.edu?) If anyone is interested.
If there are only a few SOLs who want it, I could put it
on a DOS formatted floppy and send it snail mail.
ob brit car:
The Delorean won best non-pony car in show at a Mustang
meet last week here in Colorado (it was the DMC vs. a Kaiser :-)
BTW, Anyone have an idea why everytime my A/C kicks
in my clock resets to 12:00 ?? I'm guessing a corroded
battery ground to the frame.
Scott (suddenly a pre-press guy) Currier