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OK, Time To Get Serious About The Carbs

To: b-c
Subject: OK, Time To Get Serious About The Carbs
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 1994 12:08:15 -0500
Most of the stuff on my GT6+ is working pretty well at the moment (quick,
must find some wood to knock on...) and now I've got to fix the ridiculous
2500 RPM idle on this car. I currently yank out the choke to slow it down
at intersections, but this just fouls the plugs.

Now, I've replaced the head on this car, and I'm pretty sure there are
no leaks in the manifold/head area. 

I had the carbs off when I replaced the exhaust manifold a few weeks
ago, and the throttle plates appear to be closing completely, as far
as I can tell.

I have some questions:

1. If there is an air leak at the base of the carbs, or the manifold,
   why would that make it run faster, since it wouldn't be coming through
   the carb body, so the needle wouldn't be raising and letting more
   fuel in? The car seems to be running rich.

2. The brass seats for the needles appear to be 1/4" or more below the
   base of the chamber in the carb body. On the 175CDSEs on my TR250,
   the seat is just a little bit (1/32") below the carb body. But,
   according to the book, these seats are pressed into the carb body.
   Is this true? Could someone have removed them and not pressed them
   in correctly?

There's a shop here in town that will rebuild a carb for $50 plus parts.
I'm about ready to take them there to be fixed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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