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VTR National

To: Scions of Lucas <>
Subject: VTR National
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 13:36:32 EDT
*** Resending note of 08/23/94 13:35
To: SOL     --CMSNAMES Scions of Lucas

Ken Streeter wrote:

>I take it from this request that the '96 VTR National will be in Albany?

Strictly speaking, we're not supposed to announce the site of the '96 VTR
National until the weekend of the '95 National. However, it's become
common to know the locations of conventions two years in advance. So, yes.
Your logic is correct. Of course, this isn't anything like a formal
announcement, just in case anyone wants to get technical about it.
In anycase, thank you for the kind words. We look forward to seeing you
all soon.

BTW, '95 promises to be a great convention. Illinois Sports Owners
Association (ISOA) is hosting in Rockford IL. These folks have lots of
experience with nationals and the last time they did one (in '85)
ranks as one of the best I've ever been to. We're going! You all should too.
E-mail Tim Buja (I think he's a soler) Does anyone know his direct address?
Rik Schlierer

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