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MG tranny and coil questions, revisited

Subject: MG tranny and coil questions, revisited
From: (Will Zehring)
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 13:57:08 EDT
Fellow fiends:

Occasionally I seek the advice of John Twist at University Motors in not so 
far away Grand Rapids.  He sets aside an hour at mid-day to handle telephone 
inquiries.  Most calls are short and sweet, and this fellow has had oodles 
of experience with the MG marque.  I just phoned him regarding my recent 
postings on proper fluids in the MGB tranny and on wiring up the coil.  So, 
for the record, here is what he has to say:

On the tranny he sez: DON'T add 80W oil to the box.  Do what the manual sez 
and add 30W.  He also says don't worry about the detergent vrs. 
non-detergent issue.  Just use a regular motor oil.  Yes, he says, it will 
take about 2.5 quarts.

On the (+) earth coil:  (+) electrode is the white w/black wire and the (-) 
electrode is the white wire.  

Will Zehring

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