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Re: Silicon brake fluid for clutch?

To: Dave Chu <davec@ECE.concordia.CA>
Subject: Re: Silicon brake fluid for clutch?
From: Chip Old <>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 1994 00:40:55 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 8 Aug 1994, Dave Chu wrote:

> I'm about to replace the master clutch cylinder on my 78 Spitfire.  I just 
> want the list's opinion whether to switch to silicon fluid or not.  If I'm 
> to use silicon, the clutch system would have to be flush.  I'm currently using
> DOT 4 and inorder to take full advantage of the benefits of silicon I have to 
> remove all traces of the old DOT 4 fluid.  I have hear that rubbing alcohol 
> can be used to clean out the system.  Has anyone tried or hear of this?
I use silicone fluid in the clutch hydraulics on my TR4 with excellent 
results.  I installed it when I had to do a complete rebuild of the 
system a few years ago (rebuilt the cylinders, new hose, thoroughly 
cleaned tubing).  I still use Castrol GT/LMA DOT4 fluid in the brakes, 
but will probably switch to silicone if/when I ever need to rebuild the 
entire system at the same time.
Alcohol is excellent for cleaning disassembled brake and hydraulic clutch
parts, but I don't advise trying to flush an assembled system with it.  
There's too much chance of not getting all the alcohol out, which would 
be a lot worse than not getting all the old DOT4 fluid out.
The best choice is to disassemble the whole system, clean it with 
alcohol, blow it all dry, and reassemble it with silicone fluid.
Second best is to pump out as much of the DOT4 fluid as possible, then
flush it with silicone fluid.  This will get most of the old fluid out,
but since silicone fluid and DOT4 fluid don't mix there may be a few tiny
pockets of DOT4 fluid left after the flushing.  The clutch hydraulics will
work fine if there is a little bit of DOT4 fluid left in the system. 
However, the DOT4 fluid will continue to absorb moisture, so where ever
those pockets are will still be subject to rust or corrosion.  If at all
possible, disassemble and clean the whole system before installing
silicone fluid. 
Chip Old              1948 M.G. TC  TC6710  NEMGTR #2271    1962 Triumph TR4  CT3154LO (daily transportation)

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