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Silicon brake fluid for clutch?

Subject: Silicon brake fluid for clutch?
From: Dave Chu <davec@ECE.concordia.CA>
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 1994 16:08:29 -0400
I'm about to replace the master clutch cylinder on my 78 Spitfire.  I just 
want the list's opinion whether to switch to silicon fluid or not.  If I'm going
to use silicon, the clutch system would have to be flush.  I'm currently using
DOT 4 and inorder to take full advantage of the benefits of silicon I have to 
remove all traces of the old DOT 4 fluid.  I have hear that rubbing alcohol 
can be used to clean out the system.  Has anyone tried or hear of this?
Please reply via email to me directly because I have not received anything
from the brit-car list since the 3rd and Mark is on vacation.  Thanks in 


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