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Subject: help!
From: (Richard George x 7247)
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 94 10:25:33 PST

I'm attempting to replace the CV joints on the better half's Turbo colt.  The
kits that were provided had these cheesy clamps that I am having trouble with - 
they are Band-It retaining bands that consist of a clamp on several loops of
steel band that you are supposed to just pull on to get tight.

Has anyone out there had any experience with these things?  I seem to have
to use a substantial amount of force on them to get them to tighten at all
(using the big screwdriver on the clamp and pulling REAL hard on the end
trick), and I have a couple that I can't budge - I must be doing something
wrong, or is it just simply that a large % of these things are defective?

Ob. britcar content..

How do you guys in the midwest deal with the rust?  This Colt came from 
minnesota, and a lot of the bolts were quite rusted, thank you, and it had
spent only the first 3 or so years of its life there...  It was interesting - 
I was repeatedly asking myself, "if this was my LBC, what would I have to 
do to get this part off?" - the Triumph was good training...

Thanks in advance for any illumination anyone can shed on these @#$@%&  things,

(Richard George)

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