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Who's the watchdog?

Subject: Who's the watchdog?
From: DANIELS@LMSBVX.TAMU.EDU (Lee Daniels, Texas A&M University)
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 1994 15:10:07 -0600 (CST)
As the popularity and size of this mailing list grows, an ever-increasing 
number of "Please add me to your list" and "Unsubscribe me", etc. messages 
get sent to the list itself (british-cars@...) rather than to the request 
address (british-cars-request@...).   I'm often tempted to reply to the 
sender explaining how it works, but I usually figure that some other kind 
soul has already done so.   Is this really happening?  Is somebody acting 
as the SOL Internet travel guide to lead these wayward strangers?  I recall
that Mark B. says that he often does not actually read the list mail, so 
how often do such requests go unfulfilled?   If so, should a regular reader 
be assigned the task of SOL sergeant-at-arms?

Just wondering...

On a note slightly closer to actual LBC matters:  My SOL logo coffee mug is 
discoloring!  OK, so I tend to keep it on one of those mug-warmer plates 
during the day, but this has caused it to darken around the bottom edge.
My previous white mug did not suffer from this malady.
But my SOL baseball cap is still clean!!!

Lee M. Daniels              Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding     Texas A&M University      (409) 845-3726

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