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Re: Radar and others.

To: FZust@admin.clemsonsc.NCR.COM (Zust Fred)
Subject: Re: Radar and others.
From: southern@neit.cgd.ucar.EDU (Lawrence Buja)
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 94 10:35:20 MST
Fred writes...
{Oh please.  If I could have seen the sign I would have slowed down! 

A request for radar detectors recommendations or speeding ticket
defenses definitely does not belong here. 

With that said, I'll quickly add that, if the sign was really obscured,
take a couple pictures of it and contest your ticket in court.  I did it
and got a "Wrong way on a one-way" ticket reversed on the basis of
inadequate and obscured signage.  The _Uniform Code of Traffic Control
Devices_ should provide some guidelines on visibility.  Though I had a
bunch of pictures and photocopies from the pertainent UCOTCD sections,
the judge would not let me introduce any of the UCOTCD guidelines.
After turning down an offer for a plea-bargain reduction of the 3-point
Wrong Way to a 1-point Reckless Driving (Yeah, just what I need on my
spotless record), some cross examining of the Officer and examination of
the pictures, I pulled out the UCOTCD stuff and it basically went:

Judge: "Are you a Traffic Engineer?"  
Me:    "No, sir."  
Judge: "Then put that stuff away.  You needed to subpoena a TE to 
         interpret those codes for me.  You didn't and I don't want 
         to hear any more about them."  
Me;    "OK. (Ohsh*tI'mhosed)"
Judge: "Was the sign obscured?"
Me:    "Yes, sir.  From where I was at, none of the signs were visable"
Judge: "Case dismissed."

If it's really important, get an attorney who knows what he's doing.

/\      Lawrence Buja           Climate and Global Dynamics Division
  \_][  National Center for Atmospheric Research

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