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Re: Radar and others.

To: FZust@admin.clemsonsc.NCR.COM, (British cars),
Subject: Re: Radar and others.
From: Douglas.Fraser@Dartmouth.EDU (Douglas Fraser)
Date: 26 Jan 94 09:39:00 EST
--- "Zust, Fred" wrote:
 ....Can anyone 
shed some light, on the best Radar/Laser detectors?  What about 
Radar Jammers, you see advertised in the back of magazines?  
--- end of quoted material ---

Without climbing into the "naughty speeder" fray, I'd like to comment
on the jammer subject.

As a firm believer in driving fast wherever and whenever possible
and safe, and as an electronics engineer, I have been fascinated 
by the concept of radar jamming.

I've been following these things closely for about as long as 
they've been offered, and the kindest thing I can say for them 
is that they might be worth the roughly $3.00 of parts that have 
been put into them.

...that is, if you have some need for those parts and don't mind
breaking open the case to get them.


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