>From: "Zust, Fred" <FZust@admin.clemsonsc.NCR.COM>
>Subject: Radar
>I get a steep $80 ticket for 72 in a 55 zone. The thing
>that pisses me off, is that all it was was a
>trap. It wasn't the cop trying to keep dangerous
>people off the road, he was filling his quota.
>He was perched right on the edge of a speed change,
>by a sign that was covered and unreadable!
We have entirely too much crime in this country, and our police forces
consider it their prime duty to persecute those who drive fast.
It appears to me that the only action that the average person can take
to reverse this trend is to join the Libertarian Party. They are
accessable via InterNet, write to me if you would like the address.
>From: montnaro@ausable.crd.ge.com (Skip Montanaro)
Subject: Forwarded from rec.autos.marketplace
I'm new here. Someone please give me the full info on
>Date: Mon, 24 Jan 94 15:53:19 -0800
>From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <twakeman@apple.com>
>Subject: Late TR3A HELP!
>Brushes for the wiper motor.
>My wiper motor is in very good condition except one of the
>brushes is history.
I know some people are concerned about originality, but if you just
want them to run, you can go to any electric motor repair place, many
auto parts shops, or maybe even a vacuum cleaner repair joint and
purchase a set of brushes that are similar but slightly larger. You
can easily file them down to the proper size with a hand file and a
little care. You can cut the contact end square (as opposed to the
cute curved contact area of the original) and it will run fine and
gradually wear into the proper shape. I recommend brushes with
pigtails, whether the TR original had them or not; connect the
pigtails to the brush holder for secure electrical connection.
--- Kirbert
| Kirby Palm, P.E. |
| palmk@freenet.tlh.fl.us |