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Re- Questions

To: <>
Subject: Re- Questions
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 94 16:12:31 CST
SendMail TO(BritCars) Subj(Re-  Questions) File(JAN22941.oma)
BlackTiger Mailer - Msg Created 01-22-1994 .. 21:41:46
>Date: 21 Jan 1994 09:14:47 U
>From: "Dave Lapham" <>
>Subject: Re-  Questions
>Re:  Questions
>Geoff Bishel writes --
>> Before I can visually inspect, I need to clean these
>> puppies up a bit - anyone have any recommendations on
>> cleaner/degreasers that are preferably both strong,
>> and safe (I've got preschoolers and animals at home)
>> but mainly safe?
When the wife is not around I have had great sucess with using the
Dish washer! I can't wait till it is time to get a new one so I can
hook the old one up in the garage.

Another method I have used is to put parts in a large pot of hot water
and laundry detergent. I have a pot that was made for boiling seafood
and a propane burner that works well for this.

 ! Louis A. Poche'                 !  Chief Engineer                  !
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