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Re- Questions

To: "Scions of Lucas" <>
Subject: Re- Questions
From: "Dave Lapham" <>
Date: 21 Jan 1994 09:14:47 U
                      Re:  Questions
Geoff Bishel writes --
> Before I can visually inspect, I need to clean these 
> puppies up a bit - anyone have any recommendations on 
> cleaner/degreasers that are preferably both strong, 
> and safe (I've got preschoolers and animals at home) 
> but mainly safe?  
Okay, this may not qualify as a hint from Heloise, but 
I've had reasonable success with laundry detergent in 
a bucket.  I use a five-gallon bucket (I get them by 
buying bird seed in them) with one or two cups of laundry
soap.  Stir it up and throw the parts in for an hour.  
When you take them out, go over them with a nylon (or
similar) brush.  If they don't come clean, throw them 
back in the bucket for another hour or so.  Repeat as
needed until they're acceptably clean.   --  Dave L.  

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