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Re: One more Big Healey back on the road

Subject: Re: One more Big Healey back on the road
From: (Sandro Menzel)
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 1994 00:14:45 -0800
>> Here's a question: in order to raise the cash to break into the
>> not-too-shabby XK 150 league, I am considering selling the soon-to-be
>> immacculate Healey and I hear that prices might be higher in Europe than
>> here in the US.  For an extra grand or so I could ship it over, maybe motor
>> around France for a week or two, then flog it to the highest bidder.  The
>> question is - where is the market hottest?  The Brits might shy away from
>> the left hand drive, but I know the French love 'em.  What about Germany?
>> Italy even?  All info gratefully received.  
>> John Bradley 
>You want to take yet another big Healey out of the country????

Glad to see that I'm not the only purist AGAINST the export of our
ever-dwindling supply of out of production British Cars. Where are the days
of the under-a-thousand-dollar British convertible? 

Take care.

Sandro Menzel      |  Network Administrator  | "Is it a Jensen or | Media Technologies, Inc |    is it a Healey?"

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