> Ummm sorry, but MGB's had the graphite bearing right up to the last wheeze,
> 1980. There was an aftermarket ball bearing replacement available in the
> late 70's and early 80's (is it still made?). These didn't work too well, due
> to the design of the MGB clutch linkage.
Also due to the fact that -- at least in the ball-bearing replacements
that I have pulled off the odd clutch fork -- the face of the bearing
surface was made of *plastic* with steel balls inside it. I may still
have one as a curiosity, but I've always bought the carbon-faced
throwout bearings.
Victoria British sells (for $50 or so, compared to the $12 or so for
the carbon bearing) a "competition" throwout bearing that I've never
seen in person. Anyone ever used this?
And the hidden lesson in here, BTW, is for drivers of Bs and Spridgets
to learn that when they're at rest waiting for a light, *take your foot
off the clutch* and leave the car in neutral. Oddly enough, I've heard
that this -- coupled with pulling up on the handbrake -- is the law at
red lights in Old Blighty, and failure to do this will result in not
passing your driving test.