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Re: The List's Collective MGB

To: (Scott Fisher)
Subject: Re: The List's Collective MGB
From: (Robert Keller)
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 1994 11:38:52 -0800 (PST)
Scott Fisher writes:
> Has the market really changed that much?  I paid $500 for that car back 
> when it was a *whole car* 

Yes, but in Nevada/California.  I think that if BH is selling brand new
MGB bodyshells (minus fenders) for $3000+ to east coast restoration nuts,
then I think that this bodyshell+fenders+dash+seatframes+gastank+doors is 
worth on the order of $1000 in the rustful areas of the USA and Canada.

For a LONG time I was looking at B's for sale (newspaper, not friend of 
friend of friend) and garbage, mostly complete B's were asking ~$2000. 
Even the ones I saw asking $3000 were unimpressive.  Maybe I'm not as
lucky or street smart as others who find Great Deals.

> ... and sold it to Rob Keller.
> I felt guilty for asking $125 for it then.  (Hey, Rob, you still owe me
> a burrito at La Bamba for the last five bucks worth of that! :-)

hey, no problem!  how about a La Costena burrito?

> On the plus side, it is a decent shell.  There's some bad bondo on the
> passenger's door -- a big, deep oilcan dent that's been filled and the
> bondo cracked.  It's got the usual MGB damage: dents up under the lights,
> a gunch on one of the front wings, and the worst to fix, a hit under the
> left taillight, where so many little seams come together.  Cracked
> windscreen, disassembled interior, no gauges to speak of, no folding
> top mechanism.  It'd make a great tub for a V8 conversion, though, as
> everything is gone from it with the possible exception of the rear axle.
> (I don't really know how much of the running gear Rob took off the tub.)

All the suspension fore and aft.  The good news is that I have a complete
"wire wheel conversion kit" now.  It would be easier to list what was left 
on the car...  I think of it more as helping the ultimate owner of the 
bodyshell strip the car.

> And it should have a clear title; I never registered it since it never 
> ran while I owned it, and I've passed all the paperwork along the way
> (um, I think... haven't I?  I gave you that stuff, right, Rob?  And
> did you give it to William?)

you bet.   I handed over the Nevada title (still in John Monday's name), 
which noted the "model" as an MGBGT however the VINs did match.  There was 
also an old Nevada registration and some old Nevada smog paperwork.

For the past week and a bit, I've been parking my '64 MGB in the garage 
alongside my wife's Honda!  I even had to go out and buy a second garage
door opener remote!  I was so excited that I sold my VW Bus!

On Sunday I took the top down on my B to bring the christmas tree to the
recyclers.  Since then I've been driving the 'B (daily driver) with the 
top down!  Its wonderful during the day, but a bit chilly at night.

...robert "laughing at all those mi*tas with their tops up"

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