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battery storage

Subject: battery storage
From: Jon Mason Gougar Jr <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 13:57:39 -0600 (CST)
  Regarding the storage of automotive type lead acid batteries on a 
concrete floor:

   I was told at a technical seminar I attended as a Yamaha service tech that
the faster discharge of batteries while being stored on a concrete floor is an
old wive`s tale. Apparently, a battery that is sitting, not hooked up to 
anything, will discharge at a rate of ten??? percent per month. This rate of
discharge can be slowed SLIGHTLY by placing a battery in a cool place for 
storage, such as a nice cool concrete basement or garage floor. It is a good
idea to charge a stored battery at least once a month to prevent sulfation,
which occurs at states of discharge.

                                                    Jon Gougar, Jr.

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