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Re: Mechanically challenged

To: "British Cars" <>
Subject: Re: Mechanically challenged
From: "Rob Reilly" <>
Date: 29 Nov 1993 13:29:24 -0600
        Reply to:   RE>Mechanically challenged 1st owners
> most US first owners of luxury cars tend to be mechanically challenged

Gotta love it!   ;-}

> whose attitude is that you drive the car until it breaks and then expect
the mechanic at the shop to work miracles.

And for free, yet.

 Then there are the dreaded Second Owners, who are mechanically brave (I didn't
say adept) but at the same time financially challenged.

 The S.O. of my XJ12 went to all the trouble of replacing a bearing in one of
the output shafts of the differential, but then put in the WRONG BEARING. He
didn't go to the dealer, he went to a local bearing store and got something
almost the same, but 1/8" smaller thickness, so the halfshaft had 1/8" of
in-out play. It only made a noise going around a corner in reverse, and
wouldn't you know that's the only manouver I didn't do on the test drive before
I bought the beast.

 AND, he didn't clean out all the chips from the shredded original bearing, so
those chips destroyed the bearings on both sides. So within a month of
ownership I was learning all about how to remove and rebuild the differential.
Oh, well, I was ten years younger then and had lots of energy.

 Rob (still wondering what killed the original bearing) Reilly

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