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Engine Dreams

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Engine Dreams
From: (Scott W. Paisley 303-497-7691)
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 93 11:03:47 MST
Yes... I had another dream last night about the TR6.  I'd been talking
with a friend of mine about the weight of oils and decided that I
really need to get the 10W40 out of the TR and put some 5W30 in there,
really soon.  It's getting DAMN cold out here!  It's really funny to
turn off the engine and watch the oil pressure take 10 seconds to drop
to zero, and then hear the click of the anti-run-on valve from under
the bonnet.  I also want to switch to a synthetic oil so that my top
end would have the extra bit of lubrication which most folks seem to
think TRs need.  I think I'm in agreement with this...

All this talk of oil, and top-end lubrication must have put my
sub-conscious in overdrive.  (I think overdrive was an option...)
Anyway, I dreamt that I pulled the valve cover and saw the last two
rockers on the head (11&12 I believe) had no oil on them at all.  I
had visions of them being cooked while driving, they were dry with no
oil.  Upon pulling the rocker shaft off, there was MAJOR wear on the
shaft and when I pulled the push rod out, along with it came some
really thick, dried, particulates clinging to the pushrod.  The stuff
looked like a white growth that you might see in a cave, (yeah,
stalactites!) cooked on during the heat of the engine. (must have been
from the manifold coating discusstion!)  During the dream, I was
thinking how I should have listened to british-cars and put that $35
oil adaptor on for the top end lubrication.  I was looking at much
bigger bucks and a big pain to replace all this stuff.

But, it was a dream.  I still don't know about that adaptor, but it's
looking like it might be on my christmas list!  (wow...)

Roland, any dreams about Gasoline?  Terriann, any dreams on finding
that part, or finding where it goes? :-)  

I'll be out till monday, but may you all have a GREAT Holiday, filled
with some topdown weather!  Schwing!



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