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Re: TR6 - windshield wiper help

Subject: Re: TR6 - windshield wiper help
From: Joe Flake <>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 9:35:20 EST
Stefan writes...
> ... problem with my wiper mechanism however.  It does not work !!
I should consider myself lucky.  Mine wipes, but won't park.  You
get good at timing the off switch in the proper park position.

> I took apart the motor assembly and it does not look too clean inside.
Clean would be good, but unless it were binding or the crud messing
up electrical contacts, that shouldn't keep it from running.

> I tried applying current directly to the park plug but could not get
> the motor to spin.
I've looked at the wiring diagrams at various times contemplating
work on the park mechanism.  It's not intuitively obvious (at least
to me!) which wire/contact does what!  Be sure you have the right

> ... spray that I can use to clean the inside ... and clean the plugs.
I'd think WD40 would be a safe spray to use towards generally removing
the crud.  (I know, it's an overused product, it's not perfect, but
in MOST cases won't hurt anything.) There's electrical contact
cleaner spray available at electronic supply houses or Radio Shack
which should help with the electrical contacts.

> should I go ahead and replace the brush assembly?
I've seen the contact assemblies in catalogs, but don't remember
the brushes.  If they're cheap, it sounds like a good "while I'm
in there..." repair.


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