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Re: Looking for Talbot mirrors

Subject: Re: Looking for Talbot mirrors
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 12:06:34 PST
> > From:
> > Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 10:22 CST
> > To:,
> > Subject: Looking for Talbot mirrors
> > 
> > Anybody here old enough to remember Talbot mirrors?  Back in the
> > 
> > 
> > Does anyone know where I might find a pair?  The sources I used
> > back then, places like MG Mitten and Vilem B. Haan, seem to have 

MG Mitten was where I bought my last Tabot mirror.

Some of you on the british-cars list may recall me asking pretty much
the same question a few months back.  I was looking for a set for my
Cobra.  I finally settled for the look-a-likes that Moss and some of the
other Brit car parts suppliers sell.  BTW, I'd like to get a 4 1/2"
convex lens for the passenger side mirror if anyone knows of a source.

After buying my mirrors I found out that the Cobra parts supplier I've
been dealing with sells Talbots.  Here's the address and number:

        Motorsports International
        454 Goulburn Court
        El Cajon, CA 92020
        619-440-3000 FAX

A word of warning, this place tends be very pricey even on commonly
available stuff.  And don't bother writing for a catalog; I paid $20 for
a Cobra parts and accessories catalog.  It's actually a pretty good with
lots of parts pictures and drawings not available anywhere else but
probably not of much interest to a non owner.  Call or write for
specific information on the mirror you want.

Another place to try is Brooklands, Inc.  There aren't any Talbot
mirrors shown in the catalog I have but I understand they've greatly
increased their inventory in the last few months.  Worth a call.


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