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Re: New laws??

Subject: Re: New laws??
From: (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 08:42:41 -0600 (CST) writes>

> The new disclsmers state that it is illegal to modify  
> the emesion contols on cars in the United States.  
> Anyone know of a new law about to go into effect? 

Not too new.  Only since January 1, 1968.  The point was not whether it
was illegal federally to mess with this stuff.  It was.  The point has
always been whether your state was interested in catching you.  Minnesota
only checks cars 1976 and newer, and if you pass the idle test, your
cat can is still there, and their little wooden stick does not fit in the
gas filler, they don't even open the hood.

> If there is, there are going to be a lot of Weber DCOEs & headers for
> sale cheap

Don't count on it.

> and SMOG pumps & the like will go up in price.

Maybe.  More states are getting more interested in testing and enforcement.
LBC air pumps have historically been abandoned.  The spending caps on
testing don't cover "tampering", so there may be more folks looking for
these things.  If the Feds ever decide to make my state test all cars,
including ones with "Collector" plates, back to 1968, I'm dead.  I never
HAD the stock stuff and could not conceivably afford to buy it, even if it
is available.

> Should I start collecting NLS SMOG parts now while they are cheap in the used 
> market to make a killing when the new law goes into effect?

Make your choice and take your chances.  That's how fortunes are made.  
And lost.   :-)

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