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Re: Max RPM

Subject: Re: Max RPM
From: (John Lye)
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 93 13:16:41 CST
I've replied to TerriAnn directly, but realized that others might
be interested, so I'll respond here, too.

TerriAnn asks:
>       What did you do to get over the traditional TR crank speed

Very little actually.  When I bought the car, it had had the crank
extension (that funny piece that the fan bolts to) cut down and
had been fitted with an aluminum flywheel.  In that configuration
I was shifting at about 6200 rpm with no problem.  When I rebuilt
the motor, I retained the aluminum flywheel and fitted one of
Ken Gillander's (actually Racetoration's) harmonic balancer kits.
I re-balanced the rotating parts at that time, as well.  The crank
has been cross drilled for additional lubrication but that's about 
it.  For what its worth, I've been reading Graham Robson's book
on the factory racing effort and he implies that the 5200 rpm harmonic
might be simply a rumor started by some of the more conservative
engineers in the factory and that the p[roblem isn't as bad as
we've been led to believe.  He quotes Kas Kastner as saying that
the six cylinder motor had much more severe harmonics than the
four banger...


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