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Not Horsepower Again!! (Was: MGB OIL PRESSURE)

Subject: Not Horsepower Again!! (Was: MGB OIL PRESSURE)
From: (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 12:52:30 -0800
On Nov 4, 11:39am, COSTICH_ALAN/ wrote:
> So, why are you guys running such high rpms?
> Scott #1, time to jump into another expose'.
> Where do the torque curve and the horsepower
> curve peak, relevent to each other, for a stock
> 1800 engine? Does raising the horespower output
> necessitate raising the rpm? It seems to me that
> if it were possible to raise hp but not rpm, the
> engine would last longer.

Alan, you seem to have forgotten that Power (HP) = Force or work (torque)
times rate (r.p.m.).  So I answer your question with another question:

        What are 2 ways to increase the horsepower output of an engine?

   Pat Vilbrandt      Fluke Corporation      Everett, Washington USA
   pwv@tc.fluke.COM or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv

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