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Re: Engine Rebuild Flowchart, ..was re: nothing much . . .

Subject: Re: Engine Rebuild Flowchart, ..was re: nothing much . . .
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 24 Dec 1992 11:34 EST
>From!cobra Wed Dec 23 14:23:19 1992
>> Several years ago, I wrote an engine rebuild article based on
>> a prior article from a Sports Cars Illustrated magazine from around
>> 1965.  Included in my article is a two page (11" x 17") flowchart
>> which charts the steps involved in rebuilding an engine.  The flowchart
>> is focused on Triumph, but only in a minimal way and it is really
>> totally applicable to any inline 4 or 6 cylinder LBC engine.  The article
>Hey, what about us V8 LBC owners?

The flowchart is usable by V8 owners too, you just need to remember
that where it says take the head to the machine shop it means both heads :-)


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