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MGB door crack and airplane tricks

Subject: MGB door crack and airplane tricks
Date: 16 Dec 1992 09:11:42 -0500 (CDT)
Some folks have mentioned the application of aircraft techniques
to LGB maintenance, so I thought I'd throw in my two-cents
worth ...
About six years ago I discovered, with considerable horror, the
beginning of what I thought was the end of the left door skin
on the B: A crack had begun, starting downward from near the outside
r-v mirror. When I discovered the crack, it was already just
under a half-inch long and looking very hungry. It just so
happens, however, that my father was on the scene when I
found the crack and he suggested a trick that he'd used on
his old Aercoup (sp?): Drilling a stop hole. That I did,
right at the end of the crack. To cover the hole, I bought
a small nylon bolt and fastener at the hardware store; the
head of the bolt I ground off smooth and as flat as possible.
Installed, the head of the bolt is on the outside, the fastener
inside the skin. Then I painted the head to match the
car itself.
Ok, it isn't the prettiest thing in the world, but it did and
has continued to do the trick: The crack is dead in its tracks.
Someday, of course, I'd like to replace the whole business, but
only when I've got the cash and time on hand to do the whole
car, not just the left door. 
Hope this will help somebody with similar circumstances and
MG woes. by the way, is the B the only LBC with this particular

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