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Re: Was it you?

Subject: Re: Was it you?
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1992 14:59:30 CST
Kevin Riggs ( writes:
> It was cool out (40ish), but there in the middle of the bridge was a red
> spitfire with the top down, headed North.
> Was the driver a SOL?

O.K. Let's forget about little SOL decals or bumperstickers; let's move
into the space age. 

I propose an SOL Detector. This is similar to a radar detector, but responds
like a transponder -- when you see a likely-looking candidate, such as the
red Spitfire on the bridge, you zap it with your official Lucas SOL signalling
device. If the subject car carries an SOL detector, it will transmit an ack-
nowledgement signal to you, and chirp a warning to its driver that he/she has
been "pinged" by a fellow SOL'r and should be prepared to wave at someone in
the immediate future (e.g. sit up straight, remove finger from nose, snatch
jaunty tweed cap from glove box, light pipe, etc.).

The aforementioned signalling device would resemble a garage door opener or
other non-firearm-like device, and would operate in true Lucas fashion by
pressing the button, whacking the device on the dashboard several times,
then pressing the button again a bit harder.

Comments and/or suggestions for improvement welcome.

Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc.      Internet:
441 W. Huron          UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL  60610    FAX: (312) 266-4473

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