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Daily LBC dirving

To: <>
Subject: Daily LBC dirving
From: LFA15CD!
Date: 09 DEC 92 12:25
  I've been driving my '66 MG/MGBGT daily to work (Now only 2.3 miles! :-) )
for the past 14 years. Before that, I used it at school. Before that,
my dad drove it to work every day. He bought it new. The secret formula:
live in Southern California! Current tally: 113,000 miles, original engine
(68lbs oil pressure!), 2nd tranny (actually 4th, after 3 bad rebuilds. I'll
do it myself next time, which is soon!), 3rd paint job, all else original
except the usual generator, starter, radiator, battery, tires, carpet,
door and window handles, exhaust system...
  My "New" '57 MGA roadster gets the "Toy" status: only 19,000 miles...
It's just a baby!
  Anyone have recommendations on rebuilding a no-synchro-in-first gear
4-speed MG/MGBGT '66 gearbox? For someone who has never done so?

                    }%{ Philippe Tusler }%{
          "Outside of a dog, a book is Man's best friend."
            "...Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read!"
                                         Groucho Marx

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