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Re: Winter Storage

Subject: Re: Winter Storage
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 92 16:39:18 PST
> One of the guys in my Jag club got one of those car-sized zip lock bags
> to store his car in.  ...  Anyone ever use one of these? Any comments?
> With all the mice and squirrels around my place, I'm tempted to use one
> just to keep them out of the cars.

Yeah, but how do you slide the bag under the tyres?
  | Ed Rush, not speaking for Metaphor, Mtn. View, CA  |
  |  UUCP: [...!{apple|decwrl}!]metaphor!rush          |
  |  Internet:                       |
  | My Macintosh doesn't go out in the rain.           |

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