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Re: Illegality of email and usenet

Subject: Re: Illegality of email and usenet
From: (Ed Devinney)
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 92 08:42:38 -0800
I think what we're all missing here is the bit of PhilE's note that
mentioned .gov and particularly NASA sites.  I understand that in
those places, personal use of gummint facilities is considered
verboten.  Used to be phones & copiers, now it's computers.  As
computers and networking (net-sworking is a better term!) become
well-understood in offices, I expect that this will become prevalent.
No problem, really - there's Internet access available publicly in
most major cities.  We just have to pay for it (like I do, f'rinstance).

ed devinney                                   
        "I wish the sky was green, and my body was bright blue"
                                                -King Missile

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